In Partnership with Opticall Yorkshire
Opticall Yorkshire is a Yorkshire based independent optician with over twenty years’ experience in providing optical care.
Sarah and Caroline offer a premium service to patients who are unable to visit their local opticians for a regular sight test, both privately and through the NHS.
They visit patients in the privacy of their homes and also in nursing, residential and care homes.
They will do a complete evaluation of your prescription leading to a conclusion of what could be the best optical solution for you, be it spectacles, contact lenses, overnight vision correction or laser eye surgery.
Both Caroline and Sarah have completed courses in 2020 in Dementia (Level 3), Safeguarding, Infection Prevention and Control, Information Governance, Health, Safety and Welfare, Consent, Conflict, Equality and Resuscitation.


Your at-home appointment
During the sight test, we will conduct a thorough eye examination and carry out all the necessary checks including pressure and field tests for glaucoma. We check the health of the whole eye with a portable slit lamp and ophthalmoscope, along with a full refraction (sight test) to determine whether there has been a change in your sight and if new glasses are recommended.
We carry a full range of frames for patients who require new glasses to try on during a home visit. The lenses will be ordered and once they are ready, we will come back for a second visit to ensure the glasses fit correctly and are comfortable for the patient, making any adjustments at the patient’s home where possible.

What our customers say
Who is eligible for a FREE at-home eye test?
Patients are entitled to a FREE NHS sight test at home if they can no longer visit a High Street Optician unaccompanied and they fit the following criteria;
Age 60+
Registered blind or partially sighted
Diagnosed with having diabetes or glaucoma
Age 40+ and with a direct relative with glaucoma
If you've been advised that you are at risk of glaucoma
If you are prescribed a complex lens
If you do not qualify for a free NHS sight test, but like the idea of the optician coming to visit you at a mutually convenient time within your own home, then we offer private sight tests.