Retinal Screening
Optomap Screening
Optomap Retinal Screening is a procedure that enables the optometrist to see as much of the retina (the back of the eye) as possible. The reason this is important is that – whilst regular eye exams check the health of the front of your eyes – a thorough screening of the retina is required to check overall health.
Benefits of Optomap Technology
Some eye conditions (e.g. glaucoma, retinal tears) and health concerns (e.g. diabetes, hypertension) can be identified in the retina. Early detection improves the chances of successful treatment.
While traditional ways of examining the retina only reveal a small portion of the retina at a time, the Optomap Retinal eye exams show almost the whole of the retina at one time. It is a quick and painless procedure.
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